Jan 15 – Start Right, End Well

Cheetah Certified Project Manager (CCPM) Tip of the Day

How are you going to feel when you achieve your goals?

How are you going to feel when you achieve your goals?

Jan. 15 – Pursuing every goal has a beginning, a middle, and an end. When you can envision what it will look and feel like when you achieve your goal (the end), you significantly increase your chances of achieving that goal.


How you start the pursuit of a goal can help carry you through the rough patches to seeing your way to its completion. It can be any goal – even something as fundamental as cleaning out your closet. Let’s practice this one. Do you have a closet or a space in your home that needs to be refreshed? Maybe it’s a corner that has become a repository of all the little things you don’t know where else to put. Envision what it will look like to you when that space is clean. How will you feel when that space is clean? What can you do with that new cleaned out space? The more you can envision yourself in the end point of achieving what it is you set out to do, the easier it is to stay inspired to see it through to completion.

Learning how to do this creates your neural networks for success. It is called “meta cognition” training. This is why Cheetah students become rocket ships of progress as Cheetah Certified Project Managers (CCPM). They create the neural networks for their continued success. If you’d like to create a brain that helps you achieve your goals – in a way that’s easier, faster, and more fun – register for the Cheetah Certified Project Manager (CCPM) program today.

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