Jan 28 – Identity Capital – Goal Setting At Every Decade of Life

How  Do The Goals You Pursue and Achieve At Every Decade Define You?

How Do The Goals That You Pursue and Achieve At Every Decade Define You?

Cheetah Certified Project Manager (CCPM) Tip of the Day

Jan 28 – The goals you set in your 20’s most likely won’t be the same goals that bring you life satisfaction in your 40’s, 60’s, or 80’s. What goals bring meaning and engagement to your life at the age you are now?


Michelle LaBrosse, CCPM, PMP, PMI-ACP

I am very lucky to enjoy the company of the 20-something crowd on almost a day-to-day basis. It’s an exciting decade and so full of hope and possibilities. In the book “The Defining Decade,” author Meg Jay addresses how crucial it is for those in their 20’s to develop their “identity capital” via the goals they both pursue and achieve. It isn’t so much what the specific goals are; it is that you have them, you go for them, and you create your spring board for your next goal from them. As I worked my way through her book, I realized that we are in a constant state of creating our “identity capital” in how the goals we are choosing to pursue define us, no matter what our decade.

For today, think about how the goals you are choosing to pursue right now create your identity capital. What type of foundation are they helping you develop that can launch you to your next goal? What is the story your past achievements tell about you? What is the new story you want to create about yourself? If you’d like help with any of this, check out the Cheetah Certified Project Manager (CCPM) program, where you’ll learn how to design the epic adventure that is your life – www.cheetahcertifiedpm.com.

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