Feb 24 – Independence = Innovation
Cheetah Certified Project Manager (CCPM) Tip of the Day
February 24 – Foster relationships in which each party can maintain their independence. This creates the environment that stimulates both innovation and stability.
Michelle LaBrosse, CCPM, PMP, PMI-ACP
Independence is the foundation of both innovation and stability in every relationship. Let’s take children – the more they are encouraged to seek their own path in life (i.e have their independence), the more creative they become. Additionally, they gain the necessary skills for them to lead stable adult lives not continuing to be dependent on their parents or other adults. The same is true for friendships, romantic interests, employment, and other family members. I have a friend who runs this business called Eldercare Success – it takes creativity (innovation) and a stable set of capabilities for people as they age to keep their independence. Yet, it is this very characteristic of independence that many seniors crave as they move into their later years. The more you can foster independence in every relationship in your life through your abilities to be innovative while creating a stable base of capabilities for yourself and others, the better the quality of your life.