Happiness Challenge – Presence

Michelle LaBrosse, CCPM, PMP, PMI-ACP, RYT

Expressing my unique calling as a yoga and gastronomy teacher expands my presence to create a level of happiness  I never imagined was possible. I'm following my bliss.

Expressing my unique calling as a yoga and gastronomy teacher expands my presence to create a level of happiness I never imagined was possible. I’m following my bliss.

I am leading a private Inspired Eagle Yoga and Gastronomy Retreat this weekend – so well of course it’s easy to fulfill every element of my happiness challenge.  I’m doing all the things I absolutely love – connecting with inspiring and fun people, sharing my love of  yoga and gastronomy (which for me is based around whole foods – nothing processed),  and entertaining – co-hosting a two day incredible party filled with laughter and love.

It also fits in well with today’s theme –  presence.  It’s only natural for me to share my presence as the leader of this event and to also engage with others’ presence.  While part of this retreat is to connect with our own vitality and become more aware of how we can expand that through yoga and deeply nourishing foods,  we are also celebrating how the divine ideal is expressed through us in every moment. It is this celebration where the term presence is most activated in me.

I often hear “she has such presence.”  To me this means I’ve connected with others in a way where we have moved each other in an uplifting and profound way.  This happens for me with the wonderful souls who join me at these retreats.  How I experience presence here and now during the event, I realize, yes being a yoga and gastronomy teacher is one of my unique callings where I am of most service.  Thank you so much to those who have welcomed, encouraged and nurtured this new aspect of me and joined me in launching the various elements of Inspired Eagle.


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