Happiness Challenge – Value
Michelle LaBrosse CCPM, PMP, PMI – ACP, RYT
Today I’m reveling in the value of being a lazy engineer. On our morning walk, Rosebud very much wanted to check out the small space behind the house. Now we know her nose still works after her surgery to fix a leaking salivary gland. She discovered a live opossum in the window well. (It was not playing dead all that well – we could tell it was still very much alive) And thank god for that as the last two opossums did not fare so well and we only discovered them as rotting, decaying, stinky, carcasses.
These window wells are emergency egress for basement bedrooms so we cannot cover them. When we saw the live opossum, I immediately thought ladder and went to get the kitchen step stool as I did not want to work that hard to get the opossum out of there if at all possible.. (The value of me being short saved the day for the opossum). It took about ten minutes for the opossum to find its way out via the ladder (yes we did google it to verify the opossum was a good climber).