High Performing Business – Learning – Affordability

Michelle LaBrosse, CCPM, PMP, PMI-ACP, RYT

If you think learning is expensive, try ignorance.  Learning, at any cost, is quite the bargain.  Yet the topic of today’s blog is on making learning affordable. Let’s say you want to become Project Management Professional (PMP) certified – you know first hand that it’s going to help you advance in your career, might even help the country get a handle on all the wastes that happens in government projects, and will help you weather any type of changes in the economy as the only folks who get hired for project manager positions these days are those who hold the PMP credential.  But what are the costs for getting Project Management Professional Certified?

Lets take a look at the costs for becoming PMP certified through the lens of an Expected Monetary Value analysis (this is a technique PMP’s know how to do to make better decisions).  The example on the left is what Cheetah students experience.  The example on the right is the traditional approach for becoming PMP certified.   You will see in the analysis, Cheetah students experience a 6 times greater return on their efforts to become PMP certified then the way people typically go about becoming PMP certified.  When you consider “affordability” in your educational choices  – you have to look at the complete picture.   Otherwise you risk making decisions that in fact hurt your long term profitability and success.


The bottom line is you make significantly more money faster, when you take Cheetah’s Accelerated PMP exam prep program – it is why 95% of all people register do so because they were referred to Cheetah by a friend, family member, or colleague.

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