Weight Weight Just Love Me – Arrived – Day 44

Michelle LaBrosse, CCPM, PMP, PMI-ACP, RYT

I am especially happy where I find myself today - right here, right NOW.

I am especially happy where I find myself today – right here, right NOW.

Living a vital, vibrant life is what I mean when I say ” I have arrived.”  It’s the living life large and in charge – this is who I am and this is how I move through the world.  Choose to get on board the train of loving all that is just the way it is, or accept my smile and polite wave  as I speed on by as the good will blessing it’s meant to be.  I invite others on a similar journey to engage and align our love ourselves more trains for a time.  If we find something captivating where or  how each other is traversing this plane let’s  learn and expand in new ways – until either one of us feels done, for now.  Hmmm, it feels  like I’m writing a personal ad for an online dating service….

Getting to this place of shaking free of all that no longer served me has opened up a portal to significantly expanded creativity.  It’s also provided much needed energy and enthusiasm to move onward and upward with several new exciting initiatives with my two businesses – Cheetah Learning and Inspired Eagle. I feel more called to do my work the way I enjoy doing it with the people who I love working with day to day.  Do all leaders wonder at times if they suffer from delusions of grandeur when they embark on a grand vision?  For right now, being here, standing tall in the tallness of who I am sharing the gifts I have with the world in the way I best share them is more about showing up as who I really am.  It makes no sense to minimize myself to help others feel adequate. False humility does not help me better serve others.  Being a humble and faithful servant for others by leveraging  who I uniquely am for the betterment of all though is a different matter. I’m learning the difference in today’s pursuit of loving myself more.


Kate’s comment: I never knew if successful leaders had confidence built from their success or if their confidence was the reason behind their success… kind of a leadership chicken and the egg situation. What do you think?

Michelle’s Response – I find leadership to be both an innate personality trait and an acquired skill.  It is also situational based on confidence in a specific area – that grows and improves over time.  For example, I have great leadership skills in creating businesses – and many people trust me enough to follow me into new business ventures.  This is from having a proven track record of creating and running a successful venture that has stood the test of time.  At times though when visiting somewhere new, I do walk around with authority acting like I know where I’m going (when I don’t).  I joke that I learned that in the Air Force – to lead when I have no idea where I’m heading.   So to answer your question – I do think it’s an egg thing – leaders are born, but to become a great leader, now that takes some conscious effort.

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