Weight Weight Just Love Me – Pumpkins – Day 45

Michelle LaBrosse, CCPM, PMP, PMI-ACP, RYT

Years ago picture of my little pumpkins with our pumpkin harvest from our garden.

Twenty two years ago picture of my little pumpkins with the pumpkin harvest from our garden.

I get the wonderful good fortune to walk my little dog several times a day – sometimes these walks are more wonderful than others. Like when I am in a good clip getting close to the finish line on a pressing deadline and she just needs to go out. Living on a busy street with no yard, this means our standard walk around the block to take care of business.  And she has it timed to make sure we get 7/8th around the block before taking the required action.  As I was grumbling about this on our walk yesterday, it only took me about 1/2 way around to get into the proper mindset and enjoy the short respite away from the computer. And what pulled me into a more pleasant reverie?   A Pumpkin.

Pumpkins and me go way back.  Not sure when I started calling my small children pumpkin – but it was always a term of endearment around our home.  And then I have my famous pumpkin bagels that is one of my blog posts that gets the most views.  Those always provide a lovely charge to the home whenever I take the time to make them every other year or so.   And  now I share a car with my daughter  we call “pumpkin” as it looks just like a pumpkin.  Yesterday’s pumpkin influence that pulled me into a more loving  space was about making use of my halloween pumpkins.  You see I never got around to carving them and it seemed like I could put them to good use.  (Kind of reminded me on how my mother would have us color our easter eggs at the last minute so we could then eat them…..)

I sometimes feel like Forrest Gump and shrimp with respect to pumpkins – roasted pumpkin, pumpkin soup, pumpkin bread, pumpkin bagels, pumpkin custard, pumpkin curry, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin pie,  even pumpkin in my homemade dog food.   The rest of my walk was consumed with how I was going to prepare this delightful pumpkin soup for dinner after I used part of it for this week’s dog food.  (inspired by my friend Kerry, I now make my own dog food).   Loving myself more, has helped me love my dog more.  I used to feel it was too indulgent to make the dog  her own food but it dawned on me – I love making my dog her favorite food – so of course this is what I now do.

We got home from the walk, it took me less than five minutes to wrap up my work project and I got to start on all the lovely things I could do with my halloween pumpkins. I even get to enjoy the leftover pumpkin soup for lunch and my pup – she just devoured her breakfast that included, well pumpkin.


Kate’s comment: that explains why I was so motivated to make use of my pumpkins this year! I couldn’t stand the thought of wasting all that good food. It’s in my DNA to be obsessed with pumpkins.

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