I am still in Alaska, enjoying the dark, ice skating to town, and risking future mobility everytime I step out the door. I am happy to report the dog has recovered from DID or could it be that others in the house have adopted my more pleasant view of reality and we are no longer collectively manifesting DID? As I have had ample time sitting in the dark to contemplate whether the ocean near me is an illusion that we have all agreed is real or really is real, I did observe something rather spectacular – the full moon rising above the magnificent mountains on two crystal clear nights. Now two full moons in one month is rare enough to have it’s own name – a blue moon. What is even more rare, is that there were two cloudless nights in southeast Alaska where I could see the full moon rising over the mountains at sunset. What is even more amazing, is I was here to observe it and it happened on New Year’s Eve. In my reality, I am taking this as a sign from the universe that 2010 is going to be one heck of a year. I am starting the new year by heading to Hawaii for a corporate retreat. I figure if we’re going to do strategic planning, it may as well be somewhere coool (I mean warm). But I rented a house near the rainy side of the Island (it was a bargain). Stay tuned.
Tags: blue moon