
This is Michelle LaBrosse’s blog to share her insights about life and how it relates to becoming better at leading life’s most important projects.

“Every single person does projects as a part of being alive. Cheetah Learning created a really fast way to do projects called Cheetah Project Management that combines accelerated learning principles with project management concepts. http://www.cheetahlearning.com. We’ve found through our own personal experiences and our students experiences that the more successful people are with their projects, the more successful they are in life.”

Michelle LaBrosse
Founder Cheetah Learning
Chief Cheetah

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One Response to “Home”

  1. Diana Jonas Says:

    Michelle, I just read your book Cheetah Know How – it only took me two hours, I could not stop highlighting the helpful advice. I wanted to say this idea of bringing in the fresh
    new blood on your blog here is great and I see in keeping with one of the more poignant points you raised in your book…well for me anyway. I’m not exactly a digital disaster…but I’ve just joined a
    new start up PMO in government and the boss and team members are Gen X….what I’m learning about efficiency via technology in simple day to day activities is incredible. I think your
    blog should include this quote of yours, pg 23 ‘Off the top of my Head’: ” Find your passion for the tech tools that can help your career. Being afraid or dismissing technology is like being
    the 1950s housewife who never learned to drive.” This hit home for me and, I think, women PMs of my age…well put Mme LaBrosse!