21 Days of Capitalism – Day 9 – Platinum Rule
Michelle LaBrosse, PMP
I made it to Haines, Alaska to continue work on setting up the Inspired Eagle Bed and Breakfast on an amazing property that I’ve owned since 2005 – it was just looking for the “right mission. So far so good as I am getting supportive encouragement from my neighbors – many whom are very accomplished artists. I did an initial walk through the house to see what was left to do to ready it for BnB guests. And noticed a LOT of bare walls. And I remembered the Platinum Rule – which is one step up from the Golden Rule. In the Golden rule – you are supposed treat others as you would like to be treated. The Platinum rule goes a step further – to treat people in the way they would prefer to be treated. By giving people exactly what they want, in the long (and usually in the short run) – I end up getting exactly what I want. So instead of going out and purchasing artwork that will stay in the BnB (my first thought), the neighbors and I discussed using the BnB as their own art gallery – showcasing their work for sale and letting the guests who visit the BnB purchase the art on display around the home. The Platinum rule introduced a solution that is far more beneficial than the solution the golden rule would have generated PLUS it helps the neighbors get a “win” from me creating a BnB in our neighborhood.