Jan 17 – Fall In Love With Yourself and Your Goals

Cheetah Certified Project Manager (CCPM) Tip of the Day

cheetah_jan17Jan 17 – When you are in love with your goals, it’s as if heaven and earth move to make it possible to achieve it. Which goals in your life spark the twinkle in your eye, put a bounce in your step, and get your heart all aflutter?


Michelle LaBrosse, CCPM, PMP, PMI-ACP

If you’ve ever been “in love” before, do you remember how much energy you had? It’s the same way with any goal you’re passionate about. When you can activate your deepest desires related to your own goals and your own well being, you tap into a seemingly infinite reserve of energy to bring things to life. Where in your life can you pursue whatever you’re pursuing for hours and hours on end without the need to stop? What would happen if you set concrete goals in this area that could create value for other people?

It takes an act of faith to jump into your areas of intense passion. I spent nine years of my early adult life pursuing advanced engineering degrees. What I discovered, though, was I had a deep love of learning and teaching in unique ways that helped everyone learn better. It took a leap to make the shift from Engineering into the learning field, and it was not an easy decision. What helped me was discovering my personality type. It gave me the courage to move into a field that was more suited for who I was.

This is the same well spring of passion from which we have created with the Cheetah Certified Project Manager (CCPM) program. For which we also have a twinkle in our eye because we know what it can do for people when they learn not only their innate strengths, but how to quickly put those to use to create immense value for others, fast. It’s amazing how quickly you can fall in love with yourself when you discover who you really are and how you can use your innate talents to bring out the best in others. And what a great place to be. To learn more about how you can bring out the best of you to move the mountains in your world, visit – www.cheetahcertifiedpm.com.

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