Weight Weight Just Love Me – Wonder- Day 27

Michelle LaBrosse, CCPM, PMP, PMI-ACP, RYP

Jean and I have become masters of making order from chaos in all our various collaborative efforts over the years. We have far more fun creating our magic from a place of wonder than from a place of panic.

Jean and I have become masters of making order from chaos in all our various collaborative efforts over the years. We have far more fun creating our magic from a place of wonder than from a place of panic.

I’m wondering about wonder today.  For me when I wonder, I feel expansive as I explore and play with an idea or a possibility.  Then I wonder about a perception that feels as if I’m being crowded and I wonder how much of my existence is being constrained by a previous construct?

Let me be less vague here.  When I became a yoga teacher during my training which was 8 hours a day for a month,  where we did yoga poses throughout the day  – I got pretty darn sore. I noticed my classmates, many  20 years younger and lots smaller, were kvetching about their soreness as well.  I started to wonder about the stories I told myself about my own soreness.  I realized my story about the soreness could either make it worse or make it better.  My pain was in direct relationship to my perceptions of the pain.  When I felt the love of what I was doing, the soreness was a celebration of my accomplishment.  When I was critical of myself for experiencing soreness, the pain required pain management.

So I was wondering how else this plays out in my life?   I decided to be  more mindful of where I  can be more playful (also loving) and less critical of what I’m experiencing to expand and enrich my experience in the moment.   Yesterday I was talking with my key collaborator and partner in creating order from chaos – my friend and colleague Jean.  We met each other in first grade (our daughter’s first grade classes that is).  These same daughters are now married (well Jean’s is getting married next Saturday).  Yes we have known each other a while.  I was wondering how I could see this current desire I have for creative expansion to be driven from euphoric ecstasy and delight rather than from a frenetic need to meet some business imperative we have set for ourselves (which puts a choke hold on me to be creative – get off your butt and create or your ass is grass type thing).   You might be getting the idea why this habit to love myself more is so important to me with this type of critical self talk.  I realized it’s the same thing as my stories about the soreness in my yoga class.  Celebrating our accomplishments inspires me to expand into the next logical creative step for the business.  Whereas panicking about the natural ebbs and flows of business puts me into a poor me victim funk where I don’t even want to be around me.  My new question to pivot into a more playful frame where more magic happens is “I wonder what is here to celebrate?”  The love then flows naturally.


Kate’s comment: celebrating moments as accomplishments rather than identifying them as muscles to be soothed is a form of positive thinking. When patients haven’t lost weight according to the scale, but their clothes fit a little different, I love to celebrate that win. I urge them to focus on the positives of clothes fitting looser (more metabolically active lean body mass, less fat mass), because this is still a HUGE win!



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