High Performing Business – Learning – Career Building
Michelle LaBrosse, CCPM, PMP, PMI-ACP, RYT
For this month, we’re helping people stimulate their learning. Every day, we are highlighting some learning element of one of our many Cheetah courses, with a learning contemplation for you to consider. Each day is a different course, with a special promotional price for that course for the first ten people who register.
Project Management Career Builder
Everyday you see the one person who is responsible for the success or failure of your career. That one person is the one who smiles back at you in the mirror. Yes, you. When you commit to Project YOU – you commit to making the most of your career. This is not a someday thing – this is an everyday thing. When you learn how to take focused, effective actions, every day, aligned with what drives you, what is important to you, what best leverages who you are, then you start to experience the career results you desire. Creating a thriving career is not luck – it happens when you do the right things the right way at the right times – for YOU.
Learning Contemplation – List three new ways you find fulfillment in life then you did five years ago.
Example – I now have time to work on more complex woodworking projects in my free time since my kids have graduated from college and have started their careers. I enjoy eating healthier foods and have gotten better at finding healthy food choices. I’m better at confronting people in a kind and compassionate way and don’t need to shy away from engaging with people who in the past I would avoid when I felt they were difficult.
To access the promotion for the PM Career Builder course – click here.