Jan 12 – Hard work is its own reward

Cheetah Certified Project Manager (CCPM) Tip of the Day

cheetah_jan12Jan 12 – People are happiest and the most energized when working towards an aggressive goal using their innate strengths. What goals do you have that make the most of your strengths?


by Michelle LaBrosse, CCPM, PMP, PMI-ACP

I had no idea how big a deal it was to set aggressive goals – it was just the way I’ve always been. Shoot for the stars, and if you get to the moon – well isn’t that grand!! My first BIG HAIRY AUDACIOUS GOAL (BHAG) was to become an Aerospace Engineer. So this might not seem like that big of a BHAG to some. For me though, it was a BHAG as I did not have a natural aptitude for engineering, though I did have an innate strength for learning. I was so energized and inspired for the four years I pursued that degree. What made it possible for me to find so much joy in this pursuit was this goal was challenging yet attainable, as there was a clear path to achieve it.

Where can you push yourself in ways that are challenging but attainable for you? More so, where can you encourage someone else to do this? Happiness is attained one challenging goal at a time.

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