Weight Weight Just Love Me – Extension – Day 7
Michelle LaBrosse, CCPM, PMP, PMI-ACP, RYT
I’m a week into this loving myself more habit and I’m finding it much easier to find what I love about everything and everyone else as well. At first I thought it was being indulgent and self absorbed to love myself more. I was raised in a liberal French Catholic family (while liberal and Catholic may seem an oxymoron, note, liberalism is a strong characteristic of the French). We were frequently reminded and encouraged to love your neighbor as yourself. So when I love myself more, this naturally means, I’m more capable to love my neighbor more as well. It just makes sense to make it a habit to love myself more in all realms.
I’ve also noticed, loving myself and others more is very easy to do when things are going well, it’s quite another story when things are not going so well. As I was taught from my parents, the measure of character is how gracious you are when things are not going your way. It’s easy to be kind, easy going, and loving when everything is coming up roses. Quite another when you run into the thorns of life. When you have to make the hard calls – things you know people may not like or understand or appreciate in the moment. Is it still possible to find the love, gratitude and graciousness for yourself and them? And likewise when others make decisions that I might not like – how can I react in the most loving, kind and compassionate way possible?. By loving myself more I’m finding helps me extend a deeper level of graciousness and compassion to others in tough times.
Kate’s comment: It’s never selfish to love yourself. If you don’t give yourself the care that you need, how can you expect to be able to care for others? Keep up the good work. Your daily insights are inspiring people!