Weight Weight Just Love Me – Serendipity – Day 49
Michelle LaBrosse, CCPM, PMP, PMI-ACP, RYT
Yesterday was a great reminder to follow my gut. I had gotten myself into a situation where I was at an event I never wanted to do in the first place. I wasn’t even supposed to be here this weekend. I showed up to placate someone else who thought it was a good idea. It was not the right fit, even though I tried to stay open minded in case I was not seeing things clearly.
I was there with three others and we caucused on if we should stay. We had unanimous agreement to bale. We then went and had a delightful afternoon. We even sold a Happy Aging Yoga mat to a complete stranger while getting pedicures. Ironically we had just left an event we were at specifically to sell our Happy Aging Yoga Mats, but it was an event more for people looking for psychics and crystals. On the surface to someone who may not really understand what we are about, this looked like it could be a fit (this was how we ended up there). Yet the Happiness Project (that includes the Happy Aging Yoga Mat) is more about activating what is within rather than looking outside yourself for answers. While I can neither refute nor validate the metaphysical, the programs I create are based in the evidence based scientific realms I move in. I know my home and who my family is. Our students value us because of our research and subsequent applications that do in fact generate the intended results. There is a place for the mystical and allowing for the mysteries of life – yet I have found a proven formula that works to expand one’s happiness, and it is based on verified practices from cultures around the world. This metaphysical fair was not the event for us.
Even with calling myself out as a scientist, I am willing to recognize serendipitous events do happen from time to time. What happened after pedicures though was true magic. I ran into old friends who used to live in one of my homes in Connecticut. But yesterday, we were in the Pacific Northwest – and it was a very cold, wet miserable day at that. The type of day that activates my mythological nostalgia about sunny New England in the fall. They shared with me their good friend was moving into that same home we had both lived in. Their friend was so elated. We all loved that home and it’s so nice to share in another’s joy we once had.
While this may not seem like such a big deal – it was a big deal for me. I felt like I was back into the flow of love – loving myself for following my heart and leaving an event that was not the right place for me.
Kate’s comment: A few (very legitimate, very famous) scientists dabbled in the supernatural world after their groundbreaking discoveries… but they didn’t find much verifiable evidence in their studies. I agree with you that one or the other isn’t right, but exploring that area is interesting and very intelligent people before us have attempted to legitimize it.