21 Day Practice of Capitalism – Day 6 – The Task of the Day
Michelle LaBrosse, PMP
In the vision to action pyramid posted several days ago, I show how to align your actions to your vision – in the middle part is the transition from the long view – strategies, mission, vision to the tactical – goals, objectives, actions. Success requires doing BOTH well.
We live in a day to day world – every day we get up, eat meals, interact with other people. Too much focus on the minutiae of life without a grounding into the larger context, we start to see our goals and dreams slip by us into never never land. I started my first business in 1987. In 1989 I had my first child. I learned very early in my capitalistic journey to do at least one task every day in the pursuit of my biggest goals. Some days I can accomplish more than others – but every day, as long as I do one thing in the pursuit of my most important goals – I make progress.
Even though I’m taking a personal day today, my biggest task for the day is done – to insure the team handling the updated outside sales recruiting and training program for Cheetah Learning has all the material in place and is aligned on their roles. We rolled out a new recruiting campaign late last week and over the weekend received 25 applicants for outside sales positions.
I took care of some critical issues for the Inspired Eagle B&B launch yesterday – and we decided to up the open date three months to February 15th to serve the market for Heliskiers in Haines, Alaska.
One task a day towards achieving my big goal keeps everything moving forward.