Archive for the ‘recipes’ Category

Made it to Italy AND the Internet is FINALLY Working

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009

Cooking School In Italy

Cooking School In ItalyMichelle LaBrosse, PMP

We made it to Parma. YEAH. Odd how whenever I travel the business booms. I wasn’t gone more than 2 hours and sales doubled over the previous day. I am not sure why that is – but the team wants to take up a collection to get me a motor home.

Being that I love project management, everything went off like clock work – EXCEPT when the Iphone croaked and we lost the map to the hotel. Which was probably for the best. We passed the Parmagiano Reggiano Cheese factory twice and were most definitely not in a city area. Once we lost the Iphone, I picked up random signs for the hotel every other kilometer, but I’d lose them entering a round about. We got to drive all over Parma for two hours. Lovely little city. Finding the hotel was just an act of random kindness by the universe.

The Sur La Tab folks have already been in touch with us. Caught us snoozing. But got us up in time for dinner. We are still trying to figure out what time it is over here as it’s supposed to be six hours different from the US East Coast but for some reason it’s only 5 hours ahead. Maybe everything will work itself out tomorrow with daylight savings time. My body has no idea what time it really is so it doesn’t matter what time the clock says anyhow.

Carey and I are coming up with lots of ideas for columns already. One is just the project of managing a trip like this – it certainly has taken a lot of coordination by us and the folks at Sur La Tab. We had our schedule and our risk management plan (like arriving in JFK in NYC at rush hour on a Friday with three hours to go before our flight). Being highly risk tolerant travelers – we don’t worry that much about where we’re going once we get there. We both plan in broad brush strokes – not the minute details. It leaves a lot more room to find those unknown treasures that makes foreign travel so much fun. Day one of the trip and after the joy ride through Parma, Carey is still talking with me.

Got to go get ready for dinner – we’re going somewhere “fun” – but the earliest reservation is at 7:30 PM over here. I can’t for the life of me remember the name of the place and we have a vague idea of the directions. Will be interesting to see where we end up eating dinner. Oh Carey has just informed me, she wrote down the name of the place – or at least her rendition of the name of the place. Like I said – will be interesting where we eventually eat dinner.

Carey just discovered our trip itinerary – I’m sure they had an element of this for us before. Why know what you need to know before you need to know it? We made it to Parma – that was all I needed to know.

Lessons Learned – Much easier to travel with someone who likes a little planning and a LOT of adventure. Carey is a good travel companion for cities as she lived in NYC for 15 years and spent 6 months in Rome so she somewhat knows the language. Plus she has more convenient reading glasses than I do. She is my risk management plan

Off to Cooking School

Friday, October 30th, 2009

When I got the last of the little birds to fly the nest off to college, I decided to go back to school as well.   Cooking school.   Nothing too extreme – I do after all have a business to run and employees to care for still.   It is part of my overall Mom Emancipation Program.   The “Mom Emancipation Program” involves doing those things that I could not do over the past 20 years and could not do the previous 27 years before that due to being in “real” school.   It will be interesting to see where the “Mom Emancipation Program” leads me as the goals are fairly vague – do those things I could not do the previous 47 years of my life.

Packing Light for Cooking School

Packing Light for Cooking School

I’m off to “Cooking School Lite” with Sur La Table in Italy.  So far the experience has been OUTSTANDING.   They have an event concierge who sends you cooking supplies before you ever get there.  Calls you every other week or so to check in on how you’re doing with your travel plans (her name is Andrea and what an asset she is to Sur La Table).   Yes I was a little anxious to do this – I’m not inclined to fly off to Europe for a ten day cooking school experience.  Plus all my cooking skills have been self taught.   I talked my foodie pal and writing guru Carey, into coming with me.

I like to see how light I can pack.  I managed to get everything I need for the next ten days stuffed into these two little bags.   The question is – will I be able to stuff it all back into those two little bags for the trip home?

Alaskan Square Foot Garden Produces Prize Winning Broccoli!!!!

Saturday, August 1st, 2009

Michelle LaBrosse, PMP

Best in Division, Best in Class, First Place - does it get any better than this????

Best in Division, Best in Class, First Place - does it get any better than this????

Okay I must admit, broccoli is not my favorite vegetable, but my gosh does it grow well in my alaskan square foot garden. My daughter encouraged me to enter one of the heads into the Southeast Alaska State Fair. So, the morning of the competition, I took knife to plant, and beheaded it. Yes, whacked it there on the spot. Then with lovely broccoli bouquet in hand, went to the exhibit hall at the state fair grounds and entered it into the competition. They even supplied the lovely vase. I’m not sure what division it was in or why it won best in division – but here it is in all it’s glory. The first of the bounty from my first alaskan square foot garden.

Was it the automatic watering system, the extensive wind protection, the uncharacteristically warm summer, the thousands of worms from Uncle Jim’s worm farm, the seaweed I mixed in with the vermeculite, composite, manure planting mix? It certainly wasn’t my attention as I was not even here all summer. I am more inclined to think it might be the lack of other competitors. No one else entered broccoli. I’m not sure if this town has many broccoli fans as the main reason I grew broccoli was because it was one of the few starts left at the nursery. Late to the party and what happens – I WIN!!!!!!! YEAH. I am so proud of my head of broccoli. I might even start to like this vegetable.

Alaska Square Foot Garden Status Report

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

Michelle LaBrosse, PMP

ding ding ding ding ding – this just in from the wires……….   The Alaska Square Foot garden is thriving.   Well parts of it are.   The broccoli is coming to a head (earlier than expected), the peas are flowering, onions standing tall,  carrots taking root,  strawberries doing the litle engine that could, but the peppers, parsnips, zucchini, and beans look like they need a pep talk.     The garden on autopilot experiment is bearing fruit (well not exactly completely on autopilot – the house sitter has been tending to it here and there – thank you Monica).   The garden is on schedule and in budget with all major risks averted, so far.   We need to get the electric fence on there soon.   Then we can add some protein to the mix – oops did I just say that?

From Top Left Clockwise - Broccoli, Onions, Peas, Strawberries - WOO HOO!!!!!

From Top Left Clockwise - Broccoli, Onions, Peas, Strawberries - WOO HOO!!!!!

Lettuce Be Friends

Sunday, July 12th, 2009

Michelle LaBrosse, PMP

I have been on an unofficial blogger vacation.   Been extremely busy with the Cheetahs getting ready for the new PMP exam course roll out.  We debut’d the course in Dubai and have had our first students pass!!!!!!!!

I was on temporary assignment to the east coast for the momentus event of the PMBOK 4th edition new PMP exam rollout.   Before I came here, I had a friend set up a small square foot garden where I was going to be staying – hoping that some of the veggies would come up while I was here.   And lo and behold, we have our first crop of lettuce in – woo hoo!!!!!!

Talk about some project management – one of the banes of my traveling existence is it seems if make the effort to grow a garden, I’m rarely around to see the fruits of my labor.   I vowed this summer to set up gardens wherever I was going to be mid to late summer so when I’d be there they would be maturing.   I may not see everything come to maturity on this garden, but at least I’m here for the arrival of the lettuce crop!!!!!!!

Banner Crop of Lettuce in the CT Square Foot Garden

Banner Crop of Lettuce in the CT Square Foot Garden

Healthy Cocktails

Thursday, May 7th, 2009

Michelle LaBrosse,  PMP

As part of my effort to teach project management through cooking, I’m posting my healthy cocktail recipes.

Project Initiation – for some unknown reason after my 44th birthday I became unable to drink alcohol without getting very violent stomach upsets (I now think this was a wonderful gift). But I am also known as the Chief Party Officer for my company. So, over the past several years, I have worked on making non-alcoholic adult beverages. The amazing thing about these drinks, they are also good for you.

Here is the research my trusty intern Erica dug up on how the ingredients in these drinks help you stay healthy:

Ginger Root - Available in Most Grocery Store Produce Sections

Ginger Root - Available in Most Grocery Store Produce Sections

Ginger – History and medical benefits from: and

Asian, Indian, and Arabic people have been using ginger for its medicinal properties since ancient times. China has been using ginger for over 2,000 years to remedy various ailments including stomach upset and nausea. Pythagorus was an avid user of ginger in Ancient Greece. King Henry VIII of England used ginger to protect himself from the plague. In the past, ginger has also been used for treating arthritis, colic, heart conditions, colds, flu symptoms, menstrual cramps, and headaches.

Although historically, there have been a multitude of uses of ginger, present day research has confirmed that ginger is beneficial in remedying several common ailments. For example, the American Pyschotherapy Research Laboratory in Salt Lake City and Japanese researchers found that motion sickness can be curbed by consuming ginger. Researchers in Denmark have discovered that ginger blocks substances that cause blood vessel inflammation in the brain which leads to migraines. Ginger is so effective that medical professionals often recommend the consumption of it to prevent or treat nausea or vomiting that occurs as a result of motion sickness, pregnancy, and cancer chemotherapy, digestion problems, common colds and flu-like symptoms, and inflammation.

Just Blueberry Juice

Just Blueberry Juice

Blueberries – History and medical uses of blueberries found on,, and

Blueberries have long been gathered and used by native Americans. They used parts of the plant for medicine, the leaves for tea, and the blueberry juice to relieve coughing. Blueberries and blueberry juice have been proven to have powerful medical benefits when ingested. Blueberries have one of the highest levels of antioxidants of all fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals that our bodies produce as part of our aging process. Consuming antioxidant-rich foods helps curb age-related problems including short term memory loss and coordination. Blueberry juice not only protects against negative side effects of aging, it has also been shown to reduce bad cholesterol in the blood which contributes to heart disease and strokes, decrease urinary tract infections, act as an anti-inflammatory, stimulate the immune system.

Cranberries – Cranberry and cranberry juice history and medical uses from: and

Cranberries, like blueberries, have been used as both a food and a medicine for many years. Native Americans have used cranberries to treat bladder and kidney diseases. England settlers used the cranberries in America when they arrived to aid in appetite loss, scurvy, and digestive problems. The most common medicinal use of cranberries is for preventing urinary tract infections. Cranberries prevent bacteria from attaching urinary tract walls. Medical professionals recommend ingesting cranberries (in supplemental form or juice) to help prevent but not cure urinary tract infections. Even though this is the most common and often referred to use of cranberries, there are several other medical purposes for this berry. Not only do cranberries (and cranberry juice) contain many vitamins and minerals, but it is a source of antioxidants that fight aginst heart disease and caner. Cranberry juice can also help prevent ulcers from forming by preventing bacteria that causes ulcers from attaching to stomach walls. Cranberries are high in vitamin C and contains other components that help prevent gum disease and plaque buildup.

Green Tea – Green tea history and health benefits from: and

People have been consuming green tea for at least 500,000 years and many cultures have been using it for a variety of purposes. The Chinese are one such people that have been consuming and using green tea for its many medicinal benefits. Research has demonstrated that ancient Chinese cultures used green tea to treat many ailments from headaches to depression. Chinese and Indian cultures both used green tea as a diuretic, an astringent, a stimulant, and to maintain a healthy heart. Today, research has been conducted to uncover what exact medical benefits arise from consuming green tea. Out of the three main varieties of tea (black, oolong, and green), green tea has the highest concentration of free radical fighting anti-oxidants. Recent studies on green tea have concluded that drinking it can reduce the risk bladder, esophageal, breast, ovarian, lung, skin and several other cancers. Green tea also reduces total cholesterol and improves the ratio of good to bad cholesterol found in our bodies. Consumption of green tea has also been found to control the body’s blood sugar levels, prevent liver disease, prevent tooth decay, and boost the body’s metabolism. The many health benefits associated with green tea are due what the plant is made of including polyphenols (powerful antioxidants) and stimulating alkaloids like caffeine.

Grapefruit Juice – The grapefruit’s history is relatively more recent than that of other fruits.  The grapefruit was discovered just in the 18th century in Barbados and botanists think that the grapefruit may be the result of a natural cross breeding between the orange and a citrus fruit called the pomelo.  The grapefruit has many health benefits that are similar to those of an orange including their high levels of vitami C and antioxidant properties.  Grapefruits contain a carotenoid phytonutrient called lyopene, which has anti-tumor properties.  Lycopene is highly efficient in fighting oxygen free radicals that may cause cell damage.  Grapefruit juice is one of the most antioxidant rich juices available.  Grapefruit juice also contains phytonutrients called limonoids that prevent tumors from forming.  Other research done on this delicious fruit have show that it can lower cholesterol, prevent kidney stones, protect against colon cancer, and can help the the productivity of liver detoxification.  Grapefruit juice has many valuable health benefits but it is recommended that you discuss the addition of this fruit to your diet if you take medications because it could interfere with the breakdown or distribution of your medication.  To learn more about this fruit go to or

Orange Juice – Oranges are one of the most popular fruits around the world and orange juice is also widely used because of its delectable taste and its numerous health benefits.  Most commonly, we have heard that orange juice contains large amounts of vitamin C.  This is true–one orange provides you with over 100% of your daily vitamin C need.  Vitamin C is an antioxidant and can protect the body against free radicals that cause cellular damage like cancer.  One study by Italian researchers at the Division of Human Nutrition at the University of Milan found that drinking a glass of orange juice is more protective than consuming vitamin C by itself.  In combination with other components of an orange, vitamin C aids in preventing illnesses caused by free radicals including heart disease and cancer.  Orange juice’s many benefits also include protection against cardiovascular disease, lowering of cholesterol, being a great source of fiber, preventing kidney stones, preventing ulcers, and protecting respiratory health.

To read more about the health benefits of orange juice go to or

Pomegranate Juice – Pomegranates have been eaten for quite some time and have only recently become very popular in the United States because of their health benefits.  The pomegranate is one of the earliest cultivated fruits and records have traced the consumption of it back to at least 3,000 B.C.  Scholars have even speculated that Eve in the Bible was tempted by a pomegranate rather than an apple.  In many cultures, the pomegranate is associated with fertility and rebirth. Prominent Egyptians such as King Tut were even buried with the fruit because they hoped it would help them travel to their second life.  Until recently, pomegranates have been a constant mainly in diets of the Middle Eastern people.  When studies came out regarding the health benefits of the fruit, its popularity spread to the U.S. The fruit is full of antioxidants and studies have shown that pomegranate juice aids in destroying breast cancer cells, preventing lung cancer, preventing osteoarthritis, protects arteries, lowers bad cholesterol while raising good cholesterol, prevents dental plaque, and protects the arteries from plaque buildup.  One study even found that drinking 1.7 ounces of pomegranate juice a day can lower systolic blood pressure by 5 percent.  To learn more aboutthe rich history and many benefits of pomegranate juice, go to and

Agave Nectar – Agave nectar is a wise choice for a sweetener because it is low on the glycemic index and therefore will not cause sharp rises or falls in blood sugar.  Agave nectar has anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties.  The Aztecs even used agave syrup as an antibacterial to help heal wounds.  Agave nectar has also been found to protect against harmful intestinal bacteria.  Agave nectar is a sweet alternative to high-glycemic sugars.  It is also thinner than honey, pours and dissolves well in both hot and cold liquids.  You can find it in the cooking section or near the honey in most grocery stores.  To learn more about agave nectar go to and

Project Plan

Get ingredients

Seltzer water – 2 half gallons or 4 quarts
Blueberry Juice – 1 quart – no sugar added (or artificial sweetners).
Grapefruit Juice – 1/2 gallon – no sugar added
Cranberry Juice – 1/2 gallon – no sugar added
Pomegranate Juice – 1 pint – no sugar added
Ginger Root – 1 large root
Tazo Zen Green Tea Bags
5 oranges
2 Limes
Organic Cinnamon
Agave Nectar
Ice cubes – 1/2 bag or 4 cups


16 oz drink glasses

Project Execution

Blueberry Pie Drink

I got the idea for this drink from a Tazo Brambleberry drink – but then the little store in the little town where I live wasn’t carrying it anymore so I tried to make something similar on my own. Not to be a braggart or anything, but mine is better.


Fill the glass with ice
Sprinkle cinnamon on ice
Shake to coat ice with cinnamon
Fill the glass 7/8th full with seltzer water
Fill remaining glass with blueberry juice

Pink Flamingo Drink

This is a drink I order when I’m out at restaurants and bars with others.   I have found that when everyone is enjoying a cocktail, they just feel more comfortable if they feel like you are enjoying a drink too.   This drink is very refreshing and I often find people switching to it after they try it.


Fill the glass with ice
Squeeze a wedge of lime on the ice and shake to coat
Fill with 3/4 seltzer water
Put in 1/8th cranberry juice
Put in 1/8th grapefruit juice
Top with twist of lime

Tazo Zen Green Tea Has a Nice Flavor Excellent for Napili Iced Tea

Tazo Zen Green Tea Has a Nice Flavor Excellent for Napili Iced Tea

Napili Iced Tea

I came up with this concoction at a family reunion in Hawaii. My nephew showed up with some type of flu virus so I administered my hot green tea steeped in ginger root water remedy. I made a big pot of this. The next day, my daughters foot was still swollen from a bee sting three days earlier so I started my green tea/ginger root remedy on her. But she did not take a fondness to it. So, eyeing a bagful of oranges my brother had scored on the side of the road, I juiced one and mixed it together, and sweetened the whole mixture with agave nectar. She loved it, drank several glasses and the swelling finally started going down. The green tea helps the liver process toxins which was exactly what needed to happen to get the bee toxin out of her system and bring down the foot swelling.


Slice up about 1/2 cup ginger root
Boil in 4 quarts water and let steep for at least 1/2 hour
Add in about 10 Tazo Zen Green Tea bags.
Let steep another ten minutes.
Mix in 1/2 cup agave nectar
Fill 16 oz glass with ice
Fill cup about 2/3 full with ginger root green tea.
Squeeze juice from one orange – mix in with green tea
Stir and enjoy

Pom Power

This is a very easy drink and it was the first one I started making in lieu of alcholic beverages.


Fill a 16 oz glass with ice cubes
Fill 7/8th full with seltzer water
Fill remaining with Pomegranite juice
Top with a twist of lime.

Project Control

When making drinks for a large group, it really helps to have the supplies close at hand.   After two or three people try the drinks, the whole party usually wants them so be prepared.   Get a nice ice bucket, slice up several limes ahead of time, and squeeze the orange juice ahead of time.   Don’t skimp on the quality of the ingredients here – using fresh juices with no sugar or artificial sweetners added makes a big difference.  For people who want their drinks a little sweeter, add Agave Nectar.   Pre-sweetened juices I have found have way too much sweetner added, even cranberry juice.

Project Closeout

What I have found in my three years of having to live life as the Chief Party Officer without drinking alcohol, people will still have a great time at a party without alcohol as social lubrication – especially if you can maintain the festive attitude that comes from mixing drinks.

The Chicken Noodle Soup Project

Wednesday, May 6th, 2009

Michelle LaBrosse, PMP

Project Execution on the Chicken Noodle Soup Project

Project Execution on the Chicken Noodle Soup Project

I am considering using cooking to help people develop project management as a habit. I’ve often wondered if you become a good cook because you’re good at project management or if you become a good project manager because you’re good at cooking?

There are five phases to every project – initiation, planning, execution, control and closeout. Every meal or dish you create is itself a project – you get an idea for what you want to make (you initiate it), you have to figure out the ingredients and equipment, go procure anything you need to prepare the meal, and figure out when and where you’re going to make it (this is planning), then you have to prepare the meal (this is project execution), then you have to make sure it tastes like you wanted it to (project control), then you assess how you can make it better the next time (project close out).

I have found time and time again, that the more successful people are with the smaller projects of their life, the more likely they will be successful with the larger projects of life. So it just makes sense to teach people how to be more successful with the smaller projects of their life – like cooking.

For the first attempt to teach project management with cooking, I am going to revisit a concept I posted several days ago on flu remedies, my recipe for Chicken Noodle Soup.

Project Initiation is the first phase of the Chicken Noodle Soup Project.

In initiating the Chicken Soup Project, I wanted to do a bit of research as to just why Chicken Noodle Soup has been a cold and flu cureall for centuries. I had my trusty intern – Erica research this. Here is what she found:

We have all heard that when we are ill, a bowl of chicken noodle soup is a comforting remedy. Chicken noodle soup has a long history of relieving symptoms associated with various illnesses. During the 12th century, healers began recommending ‘the broth of fowl’ to their patients. Also around this time, Rabbi Mosche ben Maimonides, an Egyptian Jewish physician and philosopher, wrote about the many benefits of chicken noodle soup. He used chicken soup to treat a variety of illnesses including respiratory problems like the common cold.

Present day researchers have set out to determine whether or not chicken noodle soup actually does have medicinal uses. One pulmonary specialist, Irwin Ziment, M.D., who is also a professor at the UCLA School for Medicine, found that chicken soup contains contains an amino acid that is similar to a drug called acetylcysteine that is prescribed for respiratory illnesses such as bronchitis. This amino acid is released from the chicken when it is cooked and heated. Another pulmonary specialist who has spent time studying the benefits of chicken noodle soup is Stephen Rennard, M.D. He is the chief of pulmonary medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. Rennard found that chicken soup has anti-inflammatory properties. Colds and respiratory illnesses are many times caused by inflammation from neutrophils (inflammatory white blood cells) that travel to the bronchial tubes. Rennard used a chicken noodle soup recipe from his wife’s grandmother to show that neutrophils were less likely to accumulate when chicken soup was added.

Chicken noodle soup is also a useful cold remedy because it contains bacteria and virus fighting ingredients including garlic and onions. Garlic is a natural antibiotic for which the body does not develop resistance. Onions contain an anti-oxidant called quercetin that also acts as an anti-inflammatory.

Even though chicken noodle soup is not a cure for a common cold, it has been proven to alleviate many symptoms that come along with a cold. It keeps you hydrated, can clear your nasal passageways, and acts as an anti-inflammatory.

To read more about the research conducted by Rennard, you can read the entire study at

To learn more about the health benefits of chicken noodle soup, you can go to the following websites:

After I had my curiousity sufficiently satisfied that Chicken Noodle Soup was a good thing to make and a good recipe to share with others, I got about planning how I would make it.

Project Planning – to make the chicken noodle soup I had to do a number of preparations – like I would for any other project.

Make sure I had all the ingredients:

Whole Chicken
1 tsp fresh ground pepper
2 quarts of water
2 tsp iodized salt
2 tbs whole peppercorns
2 tbs butter
1 bunch of celery
1 large onion
5 cloves of garlic
1 cup dry whole wheat egg noodles

Use the correct tools to reduce risk and improve the quality of the final product

1 roasting pan
2 pot holders
Oven pre-heated to 450 degrees
Cooking safety glasses
4 quart stock pot
Clean cutting board and sharp carving knife

Set my schedule and budget. Usually I make chicken noodle soup from the leftovers from a roast chicken meal so the cost of the extra ingredients are minimal. The most important thing though is the schedule as to develop the most savory broth. I usually let the chicken carcass simmer on very low heat overnight. So making chicken noodle soup definitely is a “project.”

Project Execution – here are the steps I take to make Chicken Noodle soup:

1. Roast the chicken – clean and dry one whole chicken, sprinkle it with pepper and place it in the roasting dish. Put roasting dish in the pre-heated 450 degree F oven. Cook at that temperature for 15 minutes then turn temp down to 350 degrees F. This sears the skin keeping the interior meat moist. The chicken is done when you can easily pull the drumstick off the chicken.

2. Remove most of the meat off the chicken carcass. Either serve the meat for dinner, or cover and put into the refrigerator – you will use it later for the soup. Toss the chicken carcass and the roasted skin into the 4 quart stock pot. Fill enough water to cover the chicken carcass.

3. Put the whole peppercorns, the salt and three whole stalks of celery into the stock pot with the chicken carcass. Cover and put on low heat overnight or for at least 5 hours.

4. In the morning or after 5 hours or so, strain the chicken broth, Keep the liquid and discard the bones, peppercorns and celery stalks.

5. Put in the refrigerator until you return home from work or after 5 or 6 hours. The chilling allows the fat to rise to the surface where it’s easier to skim off to make a lighter soup.

6. Chop the celery and onion into small 1/4 inch pieces. Saute in 2 tbs butter until the onions are translucent.

7. Put in the chicken broth. Crush the cloves of garlic and add them in the chicken broth.

8. Bring the chicken broth to a boil and add the noodles. Cook until the noodles are done.

9. Dice up the remaining chicken to 1/2 inch bite size pieces. (this is the chicken you pulled off the chicken before making the broth that you refrigerated). Put at least 1 cup of it into the soup.

Project Control

Salt to Taste – everyone’s taste for salt varies so it’s better to let people spice up their soup on their own. Tabasco sauce in the soup is also good.

A big part of cooking (and project management) is quality control. It starts with getting high quality ingredients, having the caliber of tools that help you create better results and using techniques that provide a higher quality outcome. The more you do both project management and cooking, the higher quality output you create. And when you combine the two, in the spirit of creating a high quality product, you get better at both.

Project Closeout

At the end of a meal, I review how I did and if I should do anything different the next time. One time, I put yams in my chicken noodle soup – they were an over powering presence. I have found the same with carrots. This is why I just stick with onions, celery, garlic and noodles.

For this go round with my chicken noodle soup – I was just showing my intern how to make it and we were testing out the idea of creating a video around this as well. I learned, that usually I make chicken noodle soup more as just part of making a roasted chicken dinner and doing it as a demonstration project – I ended up with a LOT of left over chicken. I am going to use it to make chicken salad for lunch tomorrow.

The soup came out GREAT – we served it with whole wheat saltines.

The Adventure of Pumpkin Bagels, Killer Whales and Porpoises

Monday, January 26th, 2009

Occasionally I find myself “going domestic.” Yesterday was one such day where I became fixated on making pumpkin bagels. Just what spurred this craving is beyond me. I was doing laps in the pool and it just popped into my mind – pumpkin bagels that sounds great. Now I have to put a caveat in here – I am in Alaska right now – so it’s not like I can saunter down to the corner bagel shop and pick them up. And I only ever found one location that made pumpkin bagels anyhow – a Noah’s bagel shop in Camarillo, CA near my graphics designer’s office. And another disclaimer, no I am not pregnant. My “baby” is heading off to college in the fall.

That small splash is a killer whale chasing a porpoise.

That small splash is a killer whale chasing a porpoise.

I scoured the internet and found some very interesting tips on making “NY” style bagels (which involves boiling potatoes and using the water). And I found a number of recipes for making pumpkin bagels using the bread machine (which I don’t have and had no way of getting on a Sunday in remote Alaska). But I did at least have a list of ingredients.

I made my way into town and after visiting the three grocery stores, managed to procure the necessary items. I was well into bagel making planning on the drive home when I saw a guy on the beach waving frantically. I sped past and about ten seconds later it dawned on me – this is out in the middle of no where – I better turn around to help him out. THANK GOD. I saw the most amazing wild life scene of my entire life. YES, my entire life. He was waving me in to share with me something so totally incredible that he needed to share it with another human being to make it even more real.

There was a large pod of killer whales – about 20 of them chasing a school of porpoises. All of them were jumping out of the water. It was a very large marine mammal water ballet show. It rivaled anything the Belllagio could ever put on. It was just he and I watching the most incredible aquatics show on the planet. We watched in awe for a half hour – when they calmed down, I went home to get my camera. Here is the picture – but they were not jumping anymore.

I was sharing this story later with my Dad and he said – and you saw all of this in Nevada? No Dad, I’m in Alaska. Given that I change locales more often than my teenagers change their hairstyle, Dad is forgiven for not keeping up with where I am. But at least now I know why he occasionally forwards those odd emails related to your mental state as you age. I have seen odd things in Nevada too that I’m sure I shared with him at some point it time.  It was a zebra like creature- come to think of it – it was on a Sunday and it was related to swimming as well (I was again on my way home from the pool).  Maybe I need to start reading those emails he is forwarding about losing your marbles.

It took me a couple hours to “process” all my ingredients and finish the pumpkin bagels. Here is the recipe. I like to make my bagels small. I was reading in this month’s Consumer Reports issue that the number one thing that thin people do to stay thin is to control the portion size of what they eat. I figured making the bagels smaller will help me do that too. So keep this in mind if you try out this recipe – you can make your own bagels whatever size you want to. The cooking time appears to be about the same because it matters more about the plumpness of the bagel than the width.

Ta Da - Mini-Pumpkin Bagels

Ta Da – Mini-Pumpkin Bagels

Pumpkin Bagel Recipe (NO BREAD MACHINE) Ingredients:

2 peeled potatoes cut into quarters.
About 2 quarts of water (enough to cover the potatoes)
one package of fast rising yeast.
4 tbs brown sugar, honey, or agave nectar.
1.5 cups whole wheat flour
2 cups white flour (may need more).
1 cup pumpkin puree.
2 tbs pumpkin butter (if you don’t have this put at least 1 tbs of oil).
1 tbs of pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp salt
Glaze (don’t mix this in with the bagel ingredients)
1 egg white
1 tbs honey or agave nectar

Boil the potatoes in the water until they are soft and the water is cloudy. Remove the potatoes. Let the water cool to about 100 degrees (too hot and it will kill the yeast). Mix about 3/4 cup of the 100 degree water with the yeast and the 4 tbs of sugar. Save the remaining water. Wait until the yeast gets bubbly (this is called “proofing” the yeast). If after 5 minutes the mixture does not bubble, you have bad yeast. Get some new yeast and start again. Mix the remaining ingredients into the proofed yeast. If the mixture is sticky, keep adding flour until it is not sticky and somewhat elastic. If you are using a big mixer, you are essentially kneading the dough. If you are not, you knead the dough by hand continuing to add white flour until the dough is elastic and not sticky.

Let the dough rise until about double in size. To create a nice warm, moist environment for the dough to rise, I boil a small pan of water and put that and the dough (loosely covered) in an oven that is NOT turned on. With the fast rising yeast, it takes about an hour for the dough to double in size.

Pull the dough out, and shape it into bagels of whatever size you’d like. I made mine about three inches across. I made about 20 mini bagels with this amount of dough. Put the bagels on a cookie sheet covered in corn meal to prevent sticking. Let rise again for about a half hour.

Boil the potato water again – adding more water to get more water to fill the pot. Drop the bagels into the boiling water – only put as many bagels into the pot as can fit on the surface. Boil on each side for 30 seconds. Take out and put on cookie sheet – lightly brush each one on top with the egg white and honey glaze.

Heat the oven to 400 degrees (AFTER YOU REMOVE THE RISING BAGEL DOUGH). Cook the bagels for 15 minutes or until top is a bit hard.

For some delicious reading to go with your delicious pumpkin bagels, download the Cheetah Smart Start Guide for the PMP.